The TNNA recently shared (with permission) a great idea from Ann Minor, owner of Yarn Folk in Ellensburg, WA. It's a campaign called "Knit and Crochet Each Day in May." And we're joining in on the fun!
How it works:
Knit or crochet (or sew or stitch or felt or spin or weave) every day in May. Mark your progress on this tracker.
It doesn't have to be much--just a row, or even a stitch.
It doesn't have to be the same project--you can bounce around.
You don't have to finish anything.
Just nurture your habit. It's a good one.
It's the honor system. Be honorable.
Submit your completed tracker by 11:59pm on June 6th--in person or email to . On June 7th, I will draw a winner from all completed entries. The prize? A set of 5 hand-dyed mini-skeins + a $50 gift certificate to Walther Handmade. Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a $5 off coupon.
In the spirit of keeping things simple, there's no requirement that the yarn be purchased from Walther Handmade. But keep your LYS in your heart, okay? This is all intended to encourage you to make your fiber crafty pursuits part of your every day life, and to thank you for making Walther Handmade your local yarn shop!
Stitch on and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Click the image or PDF link below to download your tracker. I will also have some printed copies available at this week's Sit'n'Stitch!